dmxstat.c File Reference
#include "dmx.h"
#include "dmxstat.h"
#include "dmxlog.h"
#include <X11/Xos.h>

Data Structures

struct  _DMXStatAvg
struct  _DMXStatInfo


typedef struct _DMXStatAvg DMXStatAvg


static unsigned long usec (struct timeval *stop, struct timeval *start)
static unsigned long avg (DMXStatAvg *data, unsigned long *max)
void dmxStatActivate (const char *interval, const char *displays)
DMXStatInfodmxStatAlloc (void)
void dmxStatFree (DMXStatInfo *pt)
static void dmxStatValue (DMXStatAvg *data, unsigned long value)
void dmxStatSync (DMXScreenInfo *dmxScreen, struct timeval *stop, struct timeval *start, unsigned long pending)
static CARD32 dmxStatCallback (OsTimerPtr timer, CARD32 t, pointer arg)
void dmxStatInit (void)


int dmxStatInterval
static int dmxStatDisplays
static OsTimerPtr dmxStatTimer

Detailed Description

The DMX server code is written to call dmxSync() whenever an XSync() might be necessary. However, since XSync() requires a two way communication with the other X server, eliminating unnecessary XSync() calls is a key performance optimization. Support for this optimization is provided in dmxsync.c. This file provides routines that evaluate this optimization by counting the number of XSync() calls and monitoring their latency. This functionality can be turned on using the -stat command-line parameter.

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct _DMXStatAvg DMXStatAvg

Used to compute a running average of value.

Function Documentation

static unsigned long avg ( DMXStatAvg data,
unsigned long *  max 
) [static]

References _DMXStatAvg::count, and _DMXStatAvg::value.

Referenced by dmxStatCallback().

void dmxStatActivate ( const char *  interval,
const char *  displays 

Turn on XSync statistic gathering and printing. Print every interval seconds, with lines for the first displays. If interval is NULL, 1 will be used. If displays is NULL, 0 will be used (meaning a line for every display will be printed). Note that this function takes string arguments because it will usually be called from ddxProcessArgument in dmxinit.c.

References dmxStatDisplays, and dmxStatInterval.

Referenced by ddxProcessArgument().

DMXStatInfo* dmxStatAlloc ( void  )

Allocate a DMXStatInfo structure.

Referenced by dmxConfigAddDisplay().

void dmxStatFree ( DMXStatInfo pt)

Free the memory used by a DMXStatInfo structure.

Referenced by InitOutput().

void dmxStatInit ( void  )

Try to initialize the statistic gathering and printing routines. Initialization only takes place if dmxStatActivate has already been called. We don't need the same generation protection that we used in dmxSyncInit because our timer is always on a queue -- hence, server generation will always free it.

References dmxStatCallback(), dmxStatInterval, and dmxStatTimer.

Referenced by InitOutput().

void dmxStatSync ( DMXScreenInfo dmxScreen,
struct timeval *  stop,
struct timeval *  start,
unsigned long  pending 

Note that a XSync() was just done on dmxScreen with the start and stop times (from gettimeofday()) and the number of pending-but-not-yet-processed XSync requests. This routine is called from dmxDoSync in dmxsync.c

References _DMXStatInfo::bins, DMX_STAT_BIN0, DMX_STAT_BINMULT, DMX_STAT_BINS, dmxStatValue(), _DMXStatInfo::pending, _DMXScreenInfo::stat, _DMXStatInfo::syncCount, _DMXStatInfo::usec, and usec().

Referenced by dmxDoSync().

static void dmxStatValue ( DMXStatAvg data,
unsigned long  value 
) [static]
static unsigned long usec ( struct timeval *  stop,
struct timeval *  start 
) [static]

Return the number of microseconds as an unsigned long. Unfortunately, this is only useful for intervals < about 4 sec.

Referenced by dmxStatSync().

Variable Documentation

int dmxStatDisplays [static]

Referenced by dmxStatActivate(), and dmxStatCallback().

OsTimerPtr dmxStatTimer [static]

Referenced by dmxStatInit().